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100 Miles of Thought:

Finding Success Through Failure

Running can be a method of discovering new physical, mental, and emotional limits. Seeking a new way to test those limits, Ryan Chukuske set off on a 100 mile race. During the race, he discovered a new appreciation for himself and for life in general. This is a recollection of his thoughts during the race and how running can be translated to lessons anyone can live by. Finding change through pain and humility, and a touch of humor, Chukuske discovered that life is not about the running. Life is about the journey.


Into the Darkness: A Runner's Revenge

Ryan Chukuske attempted a 100 mile ultramarathon and pulled out of the race at mile 68. He found success through his failure and his life was forever changed. Or was it? Haunted by an ever-growing darkness of questions and doubt. Ryan set his sights on one last attempt at the distance. He trained harder and smarter. This time he expected new success. He expected to bury his doubts and come out of the darkness into a new light. He never expected to win. This is Chukuske's journey to a once in a lifetime achievement. Hoping to take the forgiving 34 hour time limit to run a more strategized race, Chukuske came blazing in at 17 hours and 52 minutes to win the Savage 100.


Bigfoot 200: Because, You Know, Why the #@&% Not

"How do you even prepare for something like that? What's it even like? And what is wrong with you?" Ultramarathons have become extremely popular over the last decade with events previously having only a handful of participants to now selling out and some having to go to a lottery system. The popularity of 50Ks, 50 milers, 100Ks, and 100 milers have shown that the human body is capable of physical and mental feats of astonishment. But 200 miles? Because, you know, why the #@&% not? Join me as I describe what it's like to take on the Bigfoot 200. Follow along as I provide a narrative tale of many other additional competitors, crews, pacers, volunteers, and race director Candice Burt, from workout plans prior to the event, tales of awesomeness during the the challenge, struggles, physical and mental breakdowns, hallucinations, and how the journey to discovering the Bigfoot 200 changed the lives of those involved.

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