
Chris Ward

Ultrarunner and host of "Like a Bigfoot" Podcast

"It's hard for me to even fathom the idea of running 200 miles up and over the rugged Washington wilderness. Ryan's book gives us a peak into one of the most epic races in the world. I thoroughly enjoyed the adventures, the hilarity, the resolve, and the willingness to step up to a challenge from everyone involved in the Bigfoot 200. This book will inspire you, make you laugh, and open your eyes to what is possible."

Cory Reese

Author of "Nowhere Near First: Ultramarathon Adventures From The Back Of The Pack"

"Ryan's book gives a fascinating insight into what drives someone to push the extremes of their physical and mental limits. Bigfoot 200 is an example of the extraordinary feats we are capable of when determination meets action."

Henry Howard

Ultra runner and owner of Runspirited.com

"The idea of running 200 miles is hard to comprehend, even for many marathoners and ultra athletes. Thanks to Ryan Chukuske, his wife Megan, and other runners who participated in the BigFoot 200, readers get a sense of the good, the bad and the #*@! that comes with running such a challenge. The compilation of their stories in this book brings the reader along for an insider's unvarnished perspective of the 200-mile event. As an endurance athlete who has no intention of running such a distance, it was an absolute joy to share their experience from the comfort of my own couch."

Phillip Gary Smith

Senior Editor Snowshoe Magazine

"Chukuske calls it '100 Miles of Thought: Finding Success Through Failure.' Those who have never failed, have never sought the edge or their absolute limits, have yet to take a risk. They have lost by not pushing that line. What that limit is varies among all trail athletes, but the key remains stretching ourselves while finding new boundaries by dusting aside old ones."

Phillip Gary Smith

Senior Editor Snowshoe Magazine

"'Never...Again...Ever...' These three words endurance athletes express time and again after a failure. Author Ryan M. Chukuske relates in his book Into the Darkness such despair may serve a larger purpose. The terrible three we'll call them may just be the most important motivators one can find. Burying those words deep may take years but remains a doable task. Spawned by failure, driven by trail demons, motivated by devilish limits, Chukuske engages readers as he races back to runner's sanity with a thrilling Savage 100-mile trail traipsing through the woods and meandering meadows of the Murphy-Hanrehan State Park, Savage, Minn. Getting there is the story; racing the one-time event provides the rush."